
AMP Visual TV

10 years of the parade on 14 July!


On Thursday 14 July, the famous 14 July parade will take place, broadcast live on France 2 and TF1 thanks to the Enterprise, the Millennium, van 11, van 7 and the RF semi.

Yes, the AMP Visual TV Group has been entrusted with all of one of the major French special operations for 10 years. This time, it represents a resource for the international signal covered by France Television this year with the Enterprise van (20 cameras) and the RF Van (22 systems). Jean Jacques Amsellem will be responsible for production for the first time.
Jérôme Revon will produce the private France Television signal in the Millennium van, which will be complemented by van 7 at the Elysée to provide images of President Sarkozy's departure from the palace. Lastly, the TF1 signal will be in the hands of Gilles Amado in van 11. Overall, nearly 60 cameras and more than 150 technicians...
One of the notable points of this operation relates to the international signal. In fact, it is alternately given to TF1 and France Television each year. This way, neither channel can claim ownership of the signal, and the two channels work each year to improve quality by adding new elements. One of this year's innovations concerns the steadicam system that will follow the presidential car. It will be equipped with 2 camera heads able to provide 2 different values for the same shot. Previous research concerned coverage of the aerial parade. While the camera located at the Louvre Pyramid was abandoned, the one installed on the Eiffel tower has lasted.
Lastly, in this era when the media response meter is king, we appreciate the trust that has been established over 10 years with the AMP Visual TV group, such that 2 competing channels call upon the services of the same group, which has always known how to preserve the essential discretion clauses concerning the private systems of one or the other channel.
Scheduled for next Thursday starting at 8:45 am. To your remote controls... Go!


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