
AMP Visual TV

Organize extensively, rapidly and well

Complicated service that must be prepared in a few days, and with flawless coordination? Our teams are in their element. They have long held a reputation for know-how!

All shoots are important, all services must be rigorously refined. However, there are some situations that present "extraordinary" challenges. When the President of the United States travels to France, when the French army parades down the Champs Elysées before the eyes of the Entire World, or when FIFA decides for the first time to broadcast the Football World Cup (a major television event if there ever was one) in 3D, producers must have reliability at every stage.
Teams from the AMP VISUAL TV Group are solicited for most of these shoots because they have proven themselves and they have real skills. Above all, experience is essential; having done it before is an advantage. This helps save time, anticipate potential problems, and advise customers on configurations.
The strength of habits
For example, for several years our group has provided services for presidential speeches from the Elysée Palace. Our teams have a complete understanding of the site, the representatives, and the customs that govern the rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré. Thus we can work with producers, broadcasters, and the Elysée departments with full knowledge, sidestepping the time-consuming initial steps. The most recent interview of Nicolas Sarkozy in November was set up in three days.
Rigor and flexibility
Sometimes, an event is of such size that we have to work at the same time and in the same place for different programs. Here, coordination work is essential. At the Cannes Film Festival, we were producing for Canal + this year, the walk up the steps and the Opening Ceremony (the Enterprise), the Grand Journal a few hundred meters away at the Croisette (with van 11), the show "Le Cercle" in a nearby hotel (van 9) while a veritable temporary control room was set up in the basement of the Festival Palace for the internal "festival TV" circuit. Continuous production at several locations.
All teams had to work together. Planning was the keystone to this setup. Rigor and flexibility must come together so that all the logistical and technical cogs work together. The secret? Skilled persons at the proper places equipped with a common character: rigor and flexibility. Rigor to guarantee a quality program, and flexibility to handle the unexpected surprises.
On the track at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, in addition to the technical complexity, the strengths of the AMP VISUAL TV system lie in the ability to align the work and life of several dozens of technicians over several days to produce a shoot covering the race without interruption throughout the weekend.
The sum of all the little details that make the difference.
Thursday November 4, we receive the green light. We will be re-broadcasting the ceremonies for the anniversary of the death of General de Gaulle. In three days, we will design and set up three control room vans (vans 11, 6, and G) to cover the event, which will take place at various locations (the General's tomb, the Church, the Memorial, and the Résidence de la Boisserie). Twenty cameras, hundreds of meters of fiber optic cable, RF and satellite connections, etc. We have to juggle technical constraints, administrative authorizations for set up locations, and connections, security services for the President of the French Republic ... all for one goal: the broadcast.

For exceptional or recurring events (every week at the League 1 stadiums for example) we know that technical skills are necessary but are nothing without the abilities to organize, plan, and flow with an additional trait: a smile.


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